The PowerShield Defender 1200VA UPS is the only Australian built UPS on the NUT Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). TrueNAS Configuration TrueNAS is able to report on a number of UPS events. To receive notifications, just make sure you’ve configured Alert Services. Next, configure the UPS service to make it aware of a connected Defender unit. …
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WordPress component versions
Use this guide when working out component versions when the resource Scripted WordPress Installation (for Reverse Proxy) is used to build a WordPress instance. WordPress MariaDB root@wp-udance:~ # mariadb –version mariadb Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.5.12-MariaDB, for FreeBSD12.2 (amd64) using EditLine wrapper PHP root@wp-udance:~ # php –version PHP 7.4.23 (cli) (built: Aug 31 2021 01:11:30) ( …
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Upgrading from Nextcloud 20 to 21
After the upgrade, these are messages that were presented post-upgrade: To fix the issues, I entered a terminal session and tried to execute the command below: root@nextcloud:/usr/local/www/nextcloud/config # su -m www -c ‘php /usr/local/www/nextcloud/occ config:system:set default_phone_region –value=”AU”‘An unhandled exception has been thrown:OC\HintException: [0]: Memcache \OC\Memcache\APCu not available for local cache (Is the matching PHP module …
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Upgrade WordPress Jails from 11.x to 12.x
I’ve recently been upgrading FreeNAS servers from 11.3-U5 to TrueNAS 12.0-U3 starting with less critical servers such as replication targets and a test server. I’ve now upgraded critical servers as well that included VMs and multiple jails, the majority being WordPress jails. The server upgrades went smoothly without problem, however, jails were not automatically upgraded. …
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